Teaching Assistant Certificate Programs

The TA Development Program offers four certification programs for UCSB TAs to help you at all stages of your instructional career both at UCSB and as a future faculty member. These are generally separate from our other workshops and training opportunities. For those who intend to complete the “Pillars” or STIA certificate program and are actively attending workshops, participation may qualify you for CalFresh benefits.

The Pillars of Teaching Assistantship certificate is targeted to early to mid-career TAs, and is especially helpful for graduate students whose departments do not have a TA training course. The requirements must be completed within one academic year. 

The Lead TA Institute is targeted to mid-career TAs who have a strong interest in mentoring their peers in teaching, and whose department has any kind of orientation, peer support, or training for new or continuing TAs. Lead TAs are appointed by their department and attend the institute during the Summer quarter prior to their appointment.

The Summer Teaching Institute for Associates (STIA) is targeted to mid- to later career TAs who have secured a Teaching Associate (i.e. Instructor of Record) position either in Summer or Fall quarters. It prepares Associates for their first time teaching as an instructor and must be completed prior to teaching the class.

The Certificate in College and University Teaching (CCUT) takes a few years to complete, and is targeted towards graduate students who are planning to become faculty post-graduatation. It combines training as a teacher with coursework, research, and practical experience as both a TA and a Teaching Associate (Instructor of Record with your very own class).

The Certificate in Inclusive Teaching (CIT) is targeted to graduate students and postdocs at any stage during their teaching journeys at UCSB and can be completed at any point before graduation. To earn the certificate, participants must attend at least one workshop or event from each of the four themes: Course Design, Instruction, Mentorship & Student Support, and Professional Development.