With a focus on supporting classroom and instructional technologies, collaborating is one of our core values! We commonly work side by side with campus facilities and information technology services, as well as maintain strong partnerships with the Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL), Center for Innovative Teaching, Research, and Learning (CITRAL), Collaborate (part of Letters and Sciences Information Technology), the Teaching and Learning Department in the Library, and Summer Sessions. We also serve on cross-UC committees for teaching and learning, and partner with teaching and learning departments at our sister UC campuses to develop high quality courses and classroom facilities for our students and instructors.


CITRAL is a research hub that promotes and supports inclusive, equitable, and just teaching and learning. CITRAL collaborates with others to systematically study teaching and learning and develop evidence-based programs and innovations across campus. CITRAL's activities put into practice UCSB Teaching and Learning Initiatives' Collaborative Principles.

CITRAL is a collaboration between the UC Santa Barbara Office of Undergraduate Education and the UCSB Library. ID and CITRAL work side-by-side to support and train instructors on all aspects of teaching and learning.

Center for Innovative Teaching, Research, and Learning logo



One of UC Santa Barbara's most successful IT initiatives, Collaborate develops and launches key projects to significantly enhance technology services. The Collaborate team prides itself on action-oriented efforts, efficiently meeting goals and continually improving technology at UCSB. ID and Collaborate work together on the campus learning management system and classroom technologies.

Summer Sessions

The Office of Summer Sessions orchestrates a robust selection of educational opportunities to empower students to meet or exceed their individualized academic goals through credit-bearing summer study. They support student success by offering a vast curriculum of in-person and online courses, creatively addressing affordability and accessibility, and curating academic programs tailored to the needs of specific student populations. Summer Sessions supports the broader mission of the University through strategic enrollment planning and management, innovative academic experiences, and building community during the summer months. ID and Summer Sessions work together to create accessible online learning for summer students.


UC Santa Barbara Library is a member of the prestigious Association of Research Libraries (ARL). The Library's mission is to enable exploration and collaboration for scholars in their intellectual engagement with the world of ideas and the creation of knowledge. ID works with the Library’s Teaching and Learning Department to help instructors integrate research opportunities into their classes and conduct research on their teaching.