We maintain a collection of 7000+ film and video titles that can be streamed for UCSB classes free of charge. The UCSB Library also maintains a video collection that is separate from our collection. In accordance with Fair Use Guidelines, all of our video holdings are solely for the use of our faculty, for viewing at our campus, in support of the instructional mission.

Search our Film Catalog  Search the UCSB Library’s Film Catalog


If the campus doesn’t already have the film or video you need, we can help you acquire it. Every faculty member is entitled to a subsidy of $50.00 per quarter for acquiring titles through Instructional Development from off campus vendors, libraries and rental agencies (which must also cover shipping charges). Titles purchased through us will remain in our collection for use by all other campus entities. Any charges over the $50.00 limit will be recharged back to the faculty member's academic department at the end of the quarter. It is the professor's responsibility to communicate any anticipated recharges to their department.

Previews for the instructor are available, but subject to the parameters set forth by the vendors. Some are free, some require purchase with full refund, some have a preview charge; any such charges are considered part of the $50.00 instructional support allocation.

watching films in class


Orders to off-campus vendors must be placed at least three (3) weeks in advance of show date. We cannot guarantee availability from off-campus vendors, but will make every effort to meet show date requests. Orders placed with less than two (2) weeks lead time will be assessed a $15.00 late fee, recharged to the professor's department, to help defray any late charges or next-day shipping fees imposed by the off-campus vendor. This late fee does not come out of the $50.00 subsidy allocation, but rather is a surcharge which will be assessed to the professor's academic department at the end of the quarter.

Please complete this form to acquire a new film. Make sure to provide a link to the film on a purchasing website (like Amazon.com).

Film Request Form